Two friends discuss how they would rob a bank, using humour to lighten the tone...
Planned Break In
“We could enter through the vents; drop in the conference room?” Beck asked.
Zach smirks. “We could enter into the kitchen, grab a bite to eat, and then go on our merry way to the vault.”
Beck chuckles. “Do you think they have prime rib?”
“Maybe some vodka, too?”
They laugh in unison.
Beck looks over the blueprints of the bank again and gets lost in thought.
Zach fidgets with a pen and spins in his chair, “I think we should wear some makeup, make us less noticeable.”
Beck lifts his head. “We are wearing masks.”
“Oh right,” Zach says. “Maybe makeup on the mask?”
“Shut up.”
“Come on, let’s have some fun!”