You Didn’t Mean It Like I Did
You didn’t mean it
And I did
you say that you did
But you didn’t mean it like I did
You didn’t
You didn’t mean it
Like I did.
When I said it
I meant it
And passionately
I meant I had been dreaming of it
Looking up at them
And watching them
Every moment they pass by
Wishing I could get a glimpse
Into their world
And what it’s like
Of a day
That I would be there
And I would get to live that world
You didn’t mean it like I did.
I want to be there
Through the past weeks
Dare I say the past months
I’ve been dreaming
That I would be there with them
Side by side
And we would do it together
I craved it
But knowing it wouldn’t get me anywhere,
Not now
But maybe
At some point
I’ll be in that world
And it’ll be mine
My world,
That I command
Not just one I’m a part of
And that’s kind of the difference
I would command it
You would be a part of it
So when we say
Those same words
We both mean it
But we don’t mean it
With the same longing
You think it’d be cool
But to me,
It consumes me
Takes up all my thoughts
When they’re around
And I get to see it
That world
I feel an itch
Within my skin
And I feel it on my bones
A craving
I can’t describe
How bad
I feel I want it
How I feel I need it
It consumes me
You don’t mean it like I do.
Because when I say I mean it
It’s all I can feel
And it’s all I have felt
These past few months
So don’t say those words
Like we’re saying the same thing
Because we’re not
You’re saying
It’d be cool
And I’m saying
I couldn’t live without it
Because that’s my world
And I feel it
Deep within me
It’s already a part of me
And something in my soul
Is already a part of that world