If wishes fell like rain, then certainly I am a storm.
Write a poem with this as the opening or closing line.
if wishes fell like rain
then i am certainly a storm
for the way you speak
i don’t often need to ask for a word’s definition
you tell me you adore my brain
the way my words flow like water
“so smart, so well spoken” you tell me
i wish i’d received this
this form of love
i wish it had come sooner
i wish i hadn’t spent years
needing to elucidate
what i was attempting to convey
was washing so far
over the heads of past lovers
old friends turned foes
taking my education as an attack
taking my beliefs as hatred
i wish i’d known love could be soft
i wish the feeling of your hand
gently squeezing mine
to relax my anxious demeanor
hadn’t come so late
i wish you showed up before i crumbed
i wish you healed my phlegmatic mind
before the years i wasted
being overwhelmed by the hurricane
i wish the person i was before you
could meet present me
“he is so wonderful” she’d tell her
kind, and funny
he cares about what we have to say
listens intently to each syllable
he adores your vocabulary
and has never called you pretentious for using it
he’s what you’ve always wished for
the storm has calmed now
as have my thoughts
the storm that once thrashed
now trickles