The Sadists Sonnet
My lips split in the middle
Molten voices in my ears
Hey, what if I just stabbed myself in the eye?
My computer responds with a scream
Only cowards buy safety pins
Real men aren’t women
Real women are beautiful
My face reflects back at me in my phone
be happy flashes up on the screen
It’s on my bucket list
I see him everywhere like a hallucination
“Oh my god, I think I’m in love with you”
Yeah right, hallucinations love to hallucinate
Or maybe he turned into a real boy
Whose mocking adoration melted under your gaze
Stay furious. Stay fucked.
Looks of a Picasso and temperament of Nietzsche
Will only get you as far as the train tracks on Valentine’s Day
As many ways out as people on planet earth
But a coward shoots like a girl
And a girl shuts up and swallows
Found a real boy on 3rd street hanging from a palm tree by a pink ribbon
They say “he did what she asked him to”
But I think he was a coward
And a coward in crisis is still a coward
Even though his bleeding heart made it past your phone screen
I tied him up there on my birthday (as a gift)
Then met my dad on the train tracks
I’m a daddy’s girl, cuz I can’t hear the bitch cry from underneath my feet