Inspired by Acrylic Black
In a world where soulmates exist, yours lives in a different time period.
Will your character resign themselves to solitude, look for a way to travel through time, or love their soulmate through memoires and stories?
What the hell am I doing?
I know I shouldn’t want this because it goes against every single rule in the rule book. And yeah, I’m not the kind of guy that follows the law to the letter, but when you’re literally breaking every single law, maybe it’s time to take a step back and ask - what the hell am I doing?
What the hell am I doing?
Well, since you asked, I’ll tell you. I’m falling in love with a boy from the past, which is very, very, bad.
Gosh, sorry, I’m making such a mess of this, let me start from the beginning.
I work for… I suppose you could call them the time police. We make sure time functions as it should and that no one goes off course etcetera, etcetera.
So one day we get reports of this mad-scientist, dramatically changing the course of history because his mad-experiments actually end up working. In all other times, his inventions backfire and kill him. Obviously, we’re called in to… well neutralise him.
Except… he’s smart. Except, he’s planned for something like this. Except he steals a time-travel pad and goes bouncing off into the future.
So now I’m hunting a fugitive. A fugitive who’s charismatic and clever and, yeah, a little bit crazy. But the longer I’m chasing him the more fun I’m having. And I’m learning all this stuff about him as he’s learning all this stuff about the future. Or my present, whatever.
And now I’m starting to doubt whether I should… whether I could… hurt him.
God, this is why I should keep daily mission logs, all this angst is tearing me apart.
This is Cadet Marcus, signing out, still wondering what the hell he’s doing.