Chronicles Of Alexandria


In the capitol city, an eerie feeling hung over. Maybe it was the storm. Or it could be the funeral tomorrow for the late King Shervan. Yes, those are all good reasons for a depressing mood.

But there was also despair arising at the far end of the city. For at the far end of the mighty capitol of Alexandria, lived the Amaro’s.

Everyone knew the Amaro’s. For their dark power? Yes. For their prophecy? No.

“Andromeda, are you sure about this?”, pleaded Harmona Amaro.

The Queen of the mighty civilization grimaced.

“Harmona”, Andromeda said sorrowfully ,”We don’t have a choice. I know how bad the circumstance is, but both Lana and Genesis can’t go”.

Now, Cole Amaro had a deep respect for his Queen, but was not about to hand one of daughters over to her.

“She wouldn’t stand a chance against you, Andromeda”, reasoned Cole ,”Why don’t you just kill her so that way this prophecy will end.

“Cole”, sighed Andromeda ,”you of all people know what happens when prophecies are interfered with. Only one of your daughters has the power to kill her. We must follow our instincts”.

“There are no instincts”, Cole growled ,”Genesis will go. She could never survive a life with my insane sister-in-law”.

Harmona was about to reject her husband’s plan, but she stopped herself. Deep down, she knew this was the right choice.

Before Harmona could go retrieve her youngest child, a fatal knock came from the door. Color drained from the trio’s faces.

“Andromeda”, said Harmona, trembling ,”Hide Lana, then take Roman and Genesis to the mortal world. Leave them at separate homes. Here’s where you should take Genesis”.

Harmona slid a piece of parchment into her Queen’s hand. Another knock came from the door.

“Go!”, cried Harmona. Shock from her paralyzed state, Andromeda rushed up the stairs.
