"Even the dead tell stories."

Using this as the opening or closing line, try writing a horror or thriller poem.

Duos Crazy

“AHHHH RUN!!” ~~🟢🦉~~ A message from Duolingo Notified me from my phone And I had the sudden feeling I wasn’t alone Duo says it’s time Do your German Or else… You’ll be burnin’ So in a puddle of my own sweat I start my lesson But what gender is the bread?!?! That’s the question Another notification “No no nein” I say Duos says I’m not safe Duos insane, he’s not okay I run and he chases “GET MORE XP YOU’LL BE DEMOTED” But I’m still not free Finally I catch my breath I pull out my phone Ignoring duos screeching I don’t wanna demote So I do more lessons as quick as I can “N-nein, Danke,…das Brot ist-“ “GET IT RIGHT” Duo says, but I’m safe No questions missed
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