Write a simplified sestina with any theme you think fits in the form.
A sestina has 6 stanzas of 6 lines, and the final word of each stanza should be important, and appear in the next stanza along. Begin with these basic rules, but you can also look up and try all the complex rules of a sestina!
The lonely Pegasus stretches her wings
She wishes to fly as free as the birds
No longer bound by these foolish restraints
But she is a slave to the house of Zeus
No one has ever dared question his power
She has no courage to be the first
Of all the creatures, she was the first
To be granted the gift of ethereal wings
That give her unmatched beauty and power
The envy of all the mares and birds
Who only dream of the throne of Zeus
And view their pitiful lives as restraints
But the Pegasus struggles against her restraints
No longer wanting to be the first
To carry the sons of the mighty god Zeus
Who pay no mind to her sagging wings
And treat her the same as the forest birds
Abusing their ancestrally given power
She dreams of showing the master her power
Of shattering at last these awful restraints
And join those playful and beckoning birds
That would love to trade places with her and be first
To transport the greatest of all with their wings
And have the privilege to serve the terrible Zeus
The Pegasus has grown tired of Zeus
How he binds the world with his wretched power
And keeps a Pegasus with clipped wings
Tied to a post by magician’s restraints
She is determined, this will be a first
But she knows it is time to be one with the birds
And as she pulls toward a sky full of birds
The Pegasus curses the name of Zeus
The first shall be last, and the last shall be first
She says as she musters up all of her power
And at last breaking free from her prison restraints
She soars into the air with a light on her wings