Dawn of the Others

The Others came to earth months ago. Human life ended months ago. At least, human life as we knew it. Humans have become slaves for The Others. At least, the lucky ones have. Those who are less likely have been shunted off to breeding facilities. Unfortunately for humans, we are the best food source on earth for The Others.

We tried to fight them with military might, but their knowledge far exceeded ours. Each being towered over the tallest human by at least a foot. They appeared humanoid, but grotesquely so. The creatures were bipedal with an abnormally short torso that sprouted four arms. Six knobbly fingers and an opposable thumb stretched from the hands, grabbing at their human prey. Two hands held the victim – corpse or not – in place while the other two hands methodically tore it apart to consume. The most delectable part of the food was always saved for last — the head.

A yawning maw opened to consume the largest parts of food without issue. In its gaping cavern, two rows of pointed, serrated teeth on the top and bottom, tore through flesh and crushed bones. The crunch of breaking bones was nothing compared to the way The Others slurped the marrow. Black beady eyes, set deep into its humanistic skull conveyed no emotion. Pleas for mercy fell on deaf ears. No pinnae could be located. Where ears would be located, their flesh stretched thinner over canals, allowing the passage of sound.

Their flesh! As if they weren’t horrific enough, The Others’ skin was terrible to touch. It’s dark, mottled green colour allowed them to disappear into the darkness. In a forest at night, they were virtually undetectable. After arriving on earth, many settled permanently around the densest forests. Those who touched it claimed it felt like thousands of ants crawling under a sheet of flexible ice.

The Others appeared to have a communication that was not verbal or physical. Often it seemed as though some telepathic connection allowed them to convey their attentions. When they did speak, the clicks and whistles that passed for their language sent shivers and fear through the humans within range. Some people were known to go mad after listening to The Others speak, resorting to shoving implements into their ear canals to stop the noise.

Their mercilessness carried them across the earth swifter than a flash flood. Earth is no longer a place for a humans; humanity is all but extinct. The Dawn of Man is at an end, and the Dawn of the Other is on its rise.

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