Influence Of Roots

Life on Earth has its root,

Important for it to live on.

Child helps a person in need,

Very small thing but shows the upbringing.

To be respectful nd kindness,

Since a little kid.

Along the journey of life,

We uphold.

Love the little ones,

Helping them across the road,

Listening to them with patience,

Giving them what they deserve;

They’re the future of humanity.

Along the journey of life,

We uphold.

Knowing what we fight for,

Confident about our ability.

Positive what we face.

Building stage for generations to come.

Future starts with now,

Hope to become better,

With our knowledge in our hands.

Along the journey of life,

We uphold.

Influence like the roots of a tree,

Continue to grow;

Into the deeper soil,

Into the deeper hearts.

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