by Sans @

Write a story titled "When I Look in the Mirror".

When I Look In The Mirror

The glossy surface of the lake swirled beneath me as I stared down into its depths. A breeze ruffled the blonde locks haphazardly falling over my shoulders as my own memories played out before my eyes. Tears tracked silently down my cheeks just like everything else in this abyss. There was no sound, only my thoughts to accompany me. For the millionth time I wondered how long Iā€™d been here and whether or not I would ever get out.

I wanted to return home. To a world without this eternal torment. It showed me everything. My hopes, dreams, memories, mistakes, regrets, nightmares, fears. I wished so badly to be able to tear my gaze away and leave, but I found myself glued to the little wooden gondola. Unmoving atop the lake. The mirror.

When I looked inside, all I could see was him.

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