Submitted by Skye Wander
Start your story with the words, “I was gone for five minutes! What happened here?”.
A Murders Tale!
I was gone for five minutes! What happened here! Jamie you were supposed to make sure that he didn’t get away! “ he’s a very strong man I tried” Jamie said!
Jamie and Betty are best friends who lived in a small little suburban town! Where there was no crime let alone any noise ever! So when a killing spree starts happening the whole little town goes into a frenzy!
It was a cold December day. Jamie was sitting in here kitchen drinking coffee. Betty walks in … she seems a little upset and she asked to talked to Jamie alone! Jamie asked her husband Mike to leave!
What’s wrong Betty Jamie exclaims! “ it’s Danny Betty said” omg your still obsessed over him! “ no Jamie I’m not obsessed I … I want revenge! Betty what did he do!
Jamie please don’t tell anyone what I’m about to tell you! “ I won’t Betty spit it out” Betty goes on to tell Jamie how Danny went and made horrible lies about her! “ Betty all he did was make up lies”? “ honey why are you upset people lie everyday”
It’s not just any lie Jamie! “So it was the truth then?” “Betty what is going on” Jamie I did something bad! I did something that can’t be undone and now I don’t think I can stop!
Chapter 2
“ Betty!” Jamie I killed Danny’s girlfriend!!!
“ You did what Jamie says mortified “ I killed Linda!!! “ Betty omg you’ve took this too far!”
Jamie what do I do he’s called the cops! “ Betty you have to get out of here, you have to leave town! Jamie I can’t just leave town I have family to think about! Both girls think and wonder what to do! I got it Betty yells but something tells Jamie this isn’t gonna be a good idea “ Are we gonna get into trouble with this idea! Not if we don’t get caught Betty laughs! Jamie begins to shake her head slowly! All we have to do is kill him! “ You want us to do what Jamie yells” shhhh Betty says before mike hears you!” Betty how am I supposed to kill anyone I can’t do that I have a husband and kids to think about!
Chapter 3
Jamie we are best friends! You have to help me! “ what if something goes wrong and we get caught “ Jamie stop overthinking we won’t get caught Betty reassures! The girls go to the garage to gather the supplies they needed to begin there dangerous adventure! Ok so we need tape, a shovel, a pair of handcuffs and mikes gun! “ Betty mike don’t want anyone touching that gun! He won’t know it’s missing Jamie! Two hours later the girls where standing outside of Danny’s house waiting for the perfect moment!
I don’t know if I can do this Jamie says! You can do this Jamie I need you Betty says!
Chapter 4
The Girls sneak inside! Danny is watching tv unaware that this is his last night alive! Betty hits Danny in the head with the shovel knocking him unconscious! Tape his arms behind his back she tell Jamie! Jamie begins crying and shaking! She can’t believe her friend has become this murderous monster! Jamie come on we have to get him to the basement Betty yells!
The girls carry him down the stairs struggling because Jamie can’t stop crying and she can’t carry Danny! One down in the basement the girls handcuff Danny to the water heater! Betty tells Jamie to watch Danny she’ll be right back she had to run upstairs and grab the rest of the materials
Chapter 5
I was gone for five minutes! What happened here! Jamie you were supposed to make sure he didn’t get away! “ I tried Jamie yells he’s very strong! Betty starts looking for Danny the basement is small he couldn’t have gotten that far! Betty lookout Jamie yells! Betty turns around to see Danny holding the shovel! “ I know you killed my her” your a monster “ Betty looks horrified she’s never seen Danny this upset! She never meant to hurt him! “ Danny I love you why can’t you see that me and you belong together! Danny eyes grow wide “ you .. you love me!!! You killed my girlfriend, I was gonna ask her to marry me! How do you love me! “ Danny look we can work this out now we can have the life we always wanted” I don’t want anything with you! Your a monster and I know what I must do! Danny raises the shovel and as he goes to hit Betty he suddenly falls to the floor! Betty is crying but she yells “ you did it I can’t believe you did it” thank you, thank you! I really did it Jamie days I shot him” is he alive she ask? No we killed him! The girls can’t believe what they Have done they immediately start hyperventilating!
Ok Jamie help me get the sheet we have to bury his body!
The girls put his body in the sheet and tape it up! Just as soon as they Carried his dead, lifeless body up the stairs there is a knock upon the door!
Will the girls get away with it or will they get caught!!!!
To be continued