The Ex

You want to know the most embarrassing thing that has happened to me? Well, last week me and my husband Gary were walking down the street with our dog and we see this woman walking in our direction. I thought she was going to walk past us and keep going, but guess what, she stopped.

"Hey Shelby! I haven't seen you in so long!" I had no clue who this woman is. I still don't really. Now, I was trying to ask questions for this girl's identity.

"Oh hey! It's a small world isn't it? I can't remember the last time I saw you...remind me please!" I looked at Gary to see if he knew who this woman was, and he SHRUGGED. I knew this was already going downhill, but carried on.

She gasped liked I insulted her somehow and said "Your wedding of course! I mean it has been a while so I get it...maybe! How have you been Gary?" and her and Gary carried on the conversation while I stood there like an idiot.

I mean I was going through my brain files trying to figure out who this lady is! I was putting in so much brain power for her. She should be honored how much work I did trying to find out this girl's name. Suddenly, I was snapped back into reality when she said "Well I have to go. I hope we can get together sometime just to chat! Bye you guys!"

"Bye Sandra!" Gary said. He knew her name the whole time. I couldn't BELIEVE this man. He made me look like an absolute doofus when he knew who this lady was.

I hit his arm and said "You knew her?! Who was that?" and apparently that was his ex from highschool. How was I supposed to know that?!

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