Lucky Me

This definitely wasn’t how I imagined spending my Friday night, but what I can I say, I’m here now. I really do wish I wasn’t here dragging this lifeless body that’s twice my size across the stiff sands of this beach. At least the dark of the night will allow me to take breaks every few feet.

I have no one to blame for this but myself. If only he had listened to me when he had the chance, but his pride stopped him from that. Now I’m left to deal with his mistake and his dead body. Must be my lucky day.

It was just supposed to be the usual grab and take. That’s how I usually go about my night when it comes to breakfast. But damn me for wanting a little bit more than usual tonight. Plus it didn’t help that his blood tasted sweeter than most thanks to the wine he had.

I pleaded with him just let me take a quick taste and I’ll be on my way. But he had to try and be a big tough guy and made the mistake to take on a 200 year old vampire. I did what I had to, I killed him. And now I’m stuck with the job of having to get rid of his body all before the sun comes up. I can’t risk his body being found with my bite marks in his neck and I’ll be damned if I turn to dust because of this meathead. Lucky me right ?

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