Submitted by Margaret Sok
“You’ve come back, but I no longer need you.”
Write a poem or short story including this line.
no longer
you’ve come back
but i no longer need you
i will not allow my back to my stabbed
using shards of glass
collected from your fragile heart
and your fragile masculinity
i will no longer accept that pain
in order to feel something
in finding contentment within myself
i’ve found an excuse to build walls
for i finally have something worth protecting
i’m not mad, not jealous
i hope your next victim
is not a victim at all
i hope she becomes a recipient
of a gentle love i was never offered
i hope her cross necklace
and bible-verse studded bio
becomes everything you need
i don’t loath the new girl
nor the girl who sparked your infidelity
nor the girl i was with you
they all needed you
needed to feel something, anything
even if it meant sacrificing confidenc
and the ability to speak their mind
wear the clothes they wanted
speak to whoever they felt like
they needed what they thought was love
no hard feelings
but hard boundaries
you come crawling back
as you always do
i’m stronger this time though
and proud to be able
to say without a doubt
that i no longer need you