Submitted by bianca

It wasn’t yours to take, but nevertheless you ripped it from my grasp

Write an insta-poem using this as the opening line. An insta-poem uses short, direct lines that would suit a small screen.

Trigger Warning

It wasn’t yours to take, but nevertheless you ripped it from my grasp.

You smile. You Wink. You didn’t think.

You pushed. You shoved.

You tore. You thrust. Overcome by lust.

I was small. I was young. There was tongue.

It’s okay. It’s alright. Your so tight.

Please don’t. I can’t and I won’t.

You ignore. Treat me like a whore.

You beat and I try to retreat.

I wake up alone, on a porcelain throne.

No one believes me, they think I’m easy.

The bruises are red, inside I am dead.

It wasn’t yours to take, but nevertheless you ripped it from my grasp.

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