Your character is out on their boat alone, when a sinister shadow passes below them.
Build intensity and an element of fear from the outset.
The Last Drop
A single tear dropped into the beautiful lake, uniting with billions of identical water drops.
I loved her. I loved her! I LOVED HER! So why would she do this to me? Play with my feelings when knowing she wouldn’t choose me? Every time she kissed him was another stub in my back, and now there are too many wounds I’m afraid I will bleed to death.
The night provided me with the feeling I needed most at the moment - calmness. The sounds of the wind playing with trees, frogs’ broad choir filling the background, a soft ray of moonlight slightly touching the water's surface. My aching head and bile in my throat finally began to subside, leaving room for clear thoughts and refreshing my feelings… when suddenly I saw a dark shadow passing below my boat.
A bizarre sound filled my ears and for a second I thought my heart stopped. I recognised the voice of my darling. And when my head started to hesitate, foreseeing false, my body had already leaned over the side, trying to find the source.
A quick beam of scales, reflecting the moonlight in multiple colours proved me the body was wrong. And I only managed to take one last breath before her cold, wet and sticky hands grabbed at my throat. The last sight of the moon changed to a bright and warm picture of my family, that, I realised, cared about me more than anyone else. But the next moment, the picture faded and left space to black water and seaweed, clinging to my body. The last drops of blood completed the mix of water from the lake and my tears.