
Write a scene where something chaotic is happening.


The wide grasslands, as far as the eye can see. Lushness. Glorious sight to be sure. A majestic bird flies high and glides to an unknown horizon. It bend its head down to scan the ground looking for an quick meal.

A sharp reports of a weapon screams and second later to bird feels an impact of a mysterious projectile. Losing it life it wanders and it’s young chicks……

The woman yells in triumph. After weeks of perfecting her make shift gun and further few days waiting for any signs of life, she finally had some meat. This barren wasteland was perfect for her to hunt, the once green plains have now turned an ugly brown. Just in autumn when green leaves turn brown, but unlike leaves these will never turn back.

The woman, still revelling in her success rushed to where she last was the bird fall. As she neared her senses suddenly sharpened. So wasn’t alone….

The sharp sound woke it from it slumber. The rippling muscles needed to be stretched before an investigation into this disturbance could be conducted……

Sniff snifff. The smell of a human. Oh how long had it been since he ate human……

The woman found the bird and grabbed it, she needed to hurry and get to somewhere safe. It’s was foolish to travel so far and so close to nighttime but what could she do? There is no food near camp. She can’t leave the bird. She won’t leave the bird.

A rush from her right and a huge black shape came at her, she felt something brush past her. Something warm was coming out of her. She looked down and saw her intestines on the floor….

The human didn’t even move. How disappointing. The beast licked its paw. The bright red liquid tasted delicious. A craze engulfed it body then. It attacked the woman again this time taking her head…

The smell of blood was sting it the air. The newly awoke apex Hunter dashed to see the carnage hoping to not be to late. When it arrived have of the human had already been devoured. But the beast eating her looked just as appealing. The beast reared up on it two hide legs and leapt high it the air. It floated for bit and then plummeted down on its unexpected victim….

The beast was too preoccupied with its meal to sense anything, it’s was only for a split second when the enormous weight landed on it. Then it’s head was crushed.

A ragenous hunger hit the apex hunter. He gorged on the feast before quickly forgetting about being rudely awoken.

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