Tears Of The Sky

It’s starting to rain as I sit here on the beach looking across to the horizon

People getting up to leave because they’re too afraid to get wet

I’m sitting here

Watching them leave

And soon

I’m all alone

With the beach to myself

_The rain coming down _

_My hair getting wetter _

_And wetter _

And wetter

I’m completely alone with the rain

It never crosses my mind to get up and leave

Because I find peace with the emotions of the sky coming down on me

_The sand getting more muddy _

_And muddy _

_And muddy _

And I wonder why people find discomfort with the tears of the sky How they don’t see the beauty of the clouds getting too full And finally letting go

_The waves getting bigger _

_And bigger _

_And bigger _

I wonder

I wonder how many people go through their days not seeing the beauty of the world

Not seeing just how extraordinary our life really is

How everything in nature


Or small

Is truly a masterpiece

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