Your character has been struggling to understand an emotion. They finally ask their best friend about it, only to find out that they’ve been feeling it too.

Try to think of interesting ways you can describe the emotion, particularly as your character might not know the right word for it.

Feeling Something…?

Why don’t I feel anything?

What’s wrong with me?

Why doesn’t it hurt?

I stare, unblinking.

Someone nudges me.

I give a blank smile.

Like a dead fish in a water bowl.

Glassy eyed and without feeling.

What is this?

This dull ache within.

This small light shining

At the end of the tunnel.


I jump and run a hand through my hair.


I wipe my face and smile sadly again.

“Are you okay?”

Someone touches my shoulder.


I smile again, this time tighter.

My hands shake as I reach for my untouched food and wrap it. It’s so cold in here, the TV buzzes in the corner of the restaurant with the news.

I exhale.

“I’m okay.”

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