Joe Is Nervous

Joe was just a normal guy, or at least he was until two years ago. Joe had started to date a girl that was not his typical type. She did not work. She would stay out late most nights, and had friends that had eith been in prison or just got out of prison. These were her friends since junior high. Joe grew up as the honor roll student alll through junior high and highschool. Joe’s family did not undrsatnd what he saw in Tiffany. She always seemd to have money even though she did not work.

Joe family was always worried he would end up loosing everything if he kept dating her. The worst thing would be if something happened to Joe while he was with her friends. Her friends were the typical gangsters you would imagine. The had the baggy pants, white tank top undershirts, and baandanas wrapped under thier hats. Joe’s parents could not figure out how Tiffany always had money even thouh she never worked.

One day joe got a call from his father, “We need to talk when you get home”. That is never good when parents call and tell their child that at any age. Joe’s dad had gotten a certified letter from the government that Tiffany was being watched. The cops neede Joe’s help.

The cops decide to bug Joe’s cellphone and he would ear a wire any time he was around Tiffany and her friends. The next day the cops came over to show him how to wear the wire. That night as he walks up to tiffany’s house to pick her up for dinner. He djusted the wire that is taped to his chest. He takes a deep breath to stop shaking and calm himself down. He does not know how he will infilrate the gang that he has gotten to know over the last year.

If this wire picks up anything against not only Tiffany;s friends, but also Tiffany. That means Joe would loose his friends and girlfriend just to help the cops get them. Joe is very worried how far this wire on him would have to go. The cops told Joe he would have to wear it until the had what they needed. He could not tell Tiffany or even his own family about the wire or he would be arrested.

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