What Will You Leave Behind?

Tragedy lines the scars of our hearts, toxic memories burn the veins and these moments take their toll on our soul.

Grieving an energy that has caused so much pain, should be easy, no? Saying goodbye to a person, habit or addiction can be difficult. My Grandmother used to say as she cleansed a wound, “Pain is just weakness leaving the body.” I always thought that quick whipped antidote pertained to physical pain…it would take several scaring people to make me realize, it was for the whole.

For those of us that have felt that kiss of hardship, we sense and understand it when encountered. Those that have never been touched by this type of stain, fear what they have not felt. When someone weeps tears of true sorrow, are you the person to lend a stranger a hug of support…or will you turn away uncomfortably?

I tell my children that we are all snowflakes. Unique. Our feelings, personalities, perspectives and memories are all different. And like my before mentioned Granny would also say, “It takes all kinds to make the world go round.” You never know where someone is emotionally and you never know how your behavior will effect them. So always be respectful, understanding and kind. That we never know if we will be a reason, season or lifetime for someone we meet.

Do not let the scars placed on us, stain our souls. May the loss in death show us our true colors. Forever lighter then a feather.

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