Submitted by Cameron Forte.
Write a romance story about the founding of a tradition for a couple.
Traditions are a unique way of bringing couples together, whether it be tied to a holiday or not. Write about the origin of a tradition for a couple.
Little Things
My mother always tells me to slow my lifestyle down, and appreciate the little moments. For a business woman like me, that advice seemed unachievable. This particular day, however, it seemed the universe forced it upon me. And I am glad.
I sprinted along the grimy city terrace, on my way to a conference. ‘Of course my alarm had to malfunction today, of all the days,’ I thought to myself. I was so caught up in grumbling at my alarm clock that I didn’t even notice him until it was too late.
“AAAHHHH!!” I shrieked as I toppled to the ground. The man I had tripped over was equally surprised, having had a random lady fall on him.
“I am so sorry about that, sir,” I apologised, being polite. “How rude of me.”
The man didn’t seem to be too bothered by the inconvenience, and stuck out his hand.
“I’m Jason,” he said in a kind voice. I grabbed his hand to shake it when I noticed the orange goop dripping everywhere. It was everywhere, from on our clothes to all across the nearby wall. ‘No kidding,’ the logical part of my brain reminded me. ‘He was painting that wall orange.’
The man followed my gaze, and noticed the paint covering me.
“Oh no!” He said. “I’m sorry, I’m used to this, so paint doesn’t bother me. Can I help you get cleaned up?”
As a businesswoman, I was used to selfishness and greed. But this, a complete stranger helping me for no reason, it moved me.
I smiled at him. “That would be nice!”
And that’s where it started. He helped me clean up, and we talked a lot. We found out we had tons in common! He gave me his number, and, well...
Now, 18 years later, Jason and I are happily married. As tradition, every year on the day we met, we get paint and throw it at each other in an epic paint battle. Not only is it great fun, but it reminds me to slow life down, like my mother always told me. To enjoy the little things.