
It didn’t scare me at first, which was the strangest part. I thought that the initial steps to the centre of the road would cause me to hesitate. No. It wasn’t until the third car swerved out of the way that my heart jumped into my throat, smothering my screams.

It wasn’t worth it. It couldn’t be.

I looked to my left, the coffee shop I’d just walked out of up in smoke, the number plate of the red Volvo barely visible in the blood covered crowd.

To my right, two cars were stacked atop a bus, tipped on its side, the passengers spilling out on to the pavement.

The screams broke the melody of the cacophony, and the uproar continued as the heat rose around me. There must have been fire behind, but the car horn in front kept my focus.

But only for a moment.

Strong arms wrapped around me and the world faded into a haze of colourful madness until it was just me, the blue sky and emerald eyes above his signature smile.

“We have to stop meeting like this,” he said, lowering me to the ground.

I moulded into him, my hands wrapping around his neck. “Chaos attracts chaos,” I responded, pulling myself up to capture his lips.

And for this feeling, I would do anything. And any sacrifice would be worth it.

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