Write a specular poem on heartbreak.
Specular poems are usually two verses long, with the second verse being the first verse repeated backwards to achieve a certain tone. The reversed verse must still make sense.
Lithromanticy, The Drifting Of Hearts
I am broken
Not by you
Not by anyone
I love you
I reach for you
I think about you daily
When I knew you felt the same I was overjoyed
We both were
We talked
And talked
And talked
The more we did
The less love I felt for you
I longed for what we had before
Not what we have now
It has always been this way
I have always been this way
The thing is
You didn’t do a single this wrong
My brain is wrong
You have always been kind
Always said the right things
To make me smile
There wasn’t a single thing you said that
Made me second guess myself
I love you
I loved you
It has always been Iike this
I have always been like this
Everytime you give me a compliment or say something nice
It feels like my heart moves five feet away
Until eventually
It can’t reach for you anymore
I loved you
You didn’t do a single thing wrong
I have to lie
“Bye, love you”
I’m in too deep
When I’m ready to say I’m tired of this
What do I say?
What can I say?
“I just lost feelings”
That is all I’ve ever told anyone
It hurts each time
I still love each and everyone of them
I’m tired
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