Blob in Our Chests

Do you have a particular thing you like to do?

IT SAID: I like to eat

Is there anything in particular you like to eat?

IT SAID: yes

Do you return to that thing time after time?

IT SAID: yes

Then that would be called your favorite.

IT SAID: okay

Now imagine that favorite thing to eat was your best friend.

IT SAID: i do not want to imagine eating my best friend

But you want to to return to it when you get the chance, right?

IT SAID: yes

Do you want to return to your best friend whenever you get the chance?

IT SAID: yes

That is what us humans call love.

IT SAID: do you love your favorite things

In my opinion, that is what makes them our favorites.

IT SAID: others of your species can be your favorites


IT SAID: okay

On Earth, we choose to refer to our hearts to symbolize this.

IT SAID: you keep your favorites in a blob in your chest

Pretty much.

IT SAID: the same blob that keeps you alive

Well again it’s just metaphorical

IT SAID: met-met

Doesn’t matter. If our blobs were capable of storing, that is where our favorites would go.

IT SAID: humans are stupid

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