An alien and a human discuss the concept of love.
Think about what love might mean to another species, and how they would discuss it or think about it differently from humans.
Blob in Our Chests
Do you have a particular thing you like to do?
IT SAID: I like to eat
Is there anything in particular you like to eat?
IT SAID: yes
Do you return to that thing time after time?
IT SAID: yes
Then that would be called your favorite.
IT SAID: okay
Now imagine that favorite thing to eat was your best friend.
IT SAID: i do not want to imagine eating my best friend
But you want to to return to it when you get the chance, right?
IT SAID: yes
Do you want to return to your best friend whenever you get the chance?
IT SAID: yes
That is what us humans call love.
IT SAID: do you love your favorite things
In my opinion, that is what makes them our favorites.
IT SAID: others of your species can be your favorites
IT SAID: okay
On Earth, we choose to refer to our hearts to symbolize this.
IT SAID: you keep your favorites in a blob in your chest
Pretty much.
IT SAID: the same blob that keeps you alive
Well again it’s just metaphorical
IT SAID: met-met
Doesn’t matter. If our blobs were capable of storing, that is where our favorites would go.
IT SAID: humans are stupid