
A soft sigh of wind brushes against the hairs of my neck, pulling the goosebumps to rise on my skin in response to the irritation. I grumble with discomfort, turning over to try to lull myself back to sleep despite the brazen cold that freezes my small dorm room shared with my roommate. Did I leave the window open? I frown, trying to recall my movements before resting in bed but my mind is too buzzed with exhaustion. I snuggle closer into the blanket when I hear the floorboards let out a quiet groan.

"Emily, go back to bed," I call out to my roommate in a drained whisper slightly turning in response to the sound of a presence in the room, but I still as I feel a gloved hand wrap around my shoulder, tightening ever so slowly. My eyes snap open. Wait- my roommate moved out yesterday.

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