Write a romantic poem about the sun, moon, or stars.

Features of the night sky often appear as 'characters' in poetry about nature and romance. How will you use them to create your poem?


I cant control the moon, sun, or stars;

But please tell me why this love cant be ours.

When the sun rises at the break of dawn,

Why cant I enjoy its warmth from your arms?

Golden rays shine through our window shades,

It lights your smile in this picturesque way.

Although I know that I shouldnt ask for more,

Its when the moon rises,

Indigo taking over the sky,

That the stars sparkle,

And they remind me of your eyes;

As you tell me about your dreams.

I cant help but to look at you,

as the silvery moon lights up our room.

And that is when I dream,

that is when I find myself,

wishing on a lonesome star.

That you could be mine, and I could be yours.

That one day I could hold your hand in the daylight,

And sing to you softly in the night,

Without having to hide in shadows,

When the morning sun became too bright.

Although that day seems out of reach,

I have hope it will be true, but until then,

Ill savor every moment I have with you,

between the moon, the sun, and the stars,

Perhaps one day we can make this love ours…

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