699 Days Away

Day 1

124 lbs

Wishing stone, wishing stone, listen to my plea. Wishing stone, wishing stone, here is what I wish of thee. Please make pretty wishing stone, like girls in magazines. My me pretty wishing stone so guys will notice me.

Day 15

125 lbs

Wishing stone, wishing stone, nothing works for me. Wishing stone, wishing stone, what will make me pretty?

Day 19

125 lbs

Wishing stone, wishing stone, I’ve tried make up, clothes and shoes. The girls still laugh in my class and say I look so ugly. They call me fat, they call me gross; in the locker room they point and stare. The locker room— I hate it there.

Day 23

125 lbs

Wishing stone, wishing stone, why can’t you stop my tears from flowing? The girls, they say that I should die because I look so ugly.

Day 25

125 lbs

Wishing stone, wishing stone, I’ve skipped school two days now. How can I go back while I’m still so fat and ugly? I wish I had a body like the rest of the girls. They’re all so tall; they’re all so thin; what lottery did they win?

Day 35

124 lbs

Wishing stone, wishing stone, diet doesn’t work. It’s been ten day and I only feel worse.

Day 45

122 lbs

Wishing stone, wishing stone, working out is kind of good. I feel a little bit of relief when I lift and run.

Day 65

122 lbs

Wishing stone, wishing stone, I thought you’d help me out! Working out is fine, but I’m still nothing like a dime.

Day 72

122 lbs

Wishing stone, wishing stone, I think I’ve found a trick. Dieting is fine, if you need to eat. People fast all the time, so why shouldn’t I? Maybe then I’ll lose some weight and after that I’ll put the food back on my plate.

Day 99

121 lbs

Wishing stone, wishing stone, maybe this will work. Maybe not eating will help me get the look.

Day 113

121 lbs

Wishing stone, wishing stone, the girls are awfully cruel. But wishing stone, I’m telling you, the boys are worse, it’s true. They taunt and tease and belittle me. They too, call me fat and ugly. Wishing stone, what’s wrong with me? Why is my weight the only thing they see?

Day 136

120 lbs

Wishing stone, wishing stone, losing weight is hard. I really want to eat some cake, or maybe just a hotdog wish relish and mustard.

Day 162

118 lbs

Wishing stone, wishing stone, finally it’s working! Maybe soon the girls at school will want to chat with me instead of laughing at me.

Day 175

121 lbs

Wishing stone, wishing stone, do you think I’m pretty? Of course, don’t be silly, I look nothing like those models with their perfect hair and boobs. Their stomachs are flat, their arms are thin, their buts are big but not their thighs and they’re standing six feet high. I’ll never measure up. No one could ever love a girl as fat as I.

Day 200

115 lbs

Wishing stone, wishing stone, I’ve joined the soccer team. Not eating only goes so far, to get thin I must be exercising.

Day 235

111 lbs

Wishing stone, wishing stone, school is really hard. I don’t have the time or energy to keep up with everything. My classes are tough and my grades are slipping, coffee only lasts so long. I think I’ll have to prioritize my body first— who even worries about their mind.

Day 255

110 lbs

Wishing stone, wishing stone, only a little longer. Soon I’ll reach 100 pounds, I wont be fat much longer.

Day 280

104 lbs

Wishing stone, wishing stone, please help me lose that weight. I want to be thin. I want to be pretty. Don’t you want that for me?

Day 301

101 lbs

Wishing stone, wishing stone, finally school is out! A whole two months without those bitches! A whole two months of freedom! My mom asked if I wanted to go to the beach this weekend. I said I can’t, I’m not beautiful yet, but soon I said, soon we can go, when my body’s bathing suit ready.

Day 302

101 lbs

Wishing stone, wishing stone, I am almost their. My mom asked why I’m wearing baggy sweaters, I told I run cold. I’m not sure why I lied. But I now I spend my days inside. I hide in my room for breakfast lunch and dinner. My mom asks questions, dad does too. I don’t know what to say. Don’t they want me to be happy? Isn’t being beautiful important? I don’t understand their concerns, I’m only doing what I have to do to make myself beautiful just like I am always told I must be to be happy.

Day 305

100 lbs

Wishing stone, wishing stone, why didn’t it work? I’m at the 100 mark but I’m still not thin enough.

Day 315

97 lbs

Wishing stone, wishing stone, please say me from my tears. I’ve cut my arm to eascape my fears.

Day 320

98 lbs

Wishing stone, wishing stone, today I went to the doctor. While I was there my mom asked me why I do it. Why I cut, why I starve, all I said is I must do it. The doctors looked at me weird when my mom said I needed help. Deep down I know that she’s right but admitting it is too hard a fight. The doctors said to take this blue pill, and to come back when I’m sicker. They said I wasn’t sick enough to be treated but I wonder if what it really is is that I’m too sick to get better.

Day 330

84 lbs

Wishing stone, wishing stone, now I wrap myself in scarves and mittens to brace the cold of winter.

Day 348

79 lbs

Wishing stone, wishing stone, I’m burried in the snow. Wishing stone, please shine a light, help me win this fight.

Day 360

60 lbs

Wishing stone, wishing stone, I’ve checked myself in. I’ll be leaving you for a while but that’s better than forever.

Day 700


Wishing stone, wishing stone, good morning and good bye. I don’t need you now that I love myself. So farewell my dear wishing stone, don’t let my natural beauty make you cry but shout for joy and life.

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