Inspired by Kail Cleo

Create a story by writing multiple diary entries from your character (or multiple characters intertwined).

Try to make each entry build from the last to add to the storyline. If you switch perspective, make it clear that it's someone else's journal.

Moonlit Pavements

Dear Diary,

While roaming around the dusty parts of St. Claire’s library, I atumbled upon an 18th century leather bound journal. At first, I had been looking for a textbook my professor mentioned in my creative writing class. I got bored of that real fast so I just started wandering around. The bookshelves led me deeper and deeper into tge bowls of the ancient library until I stumbled upon tge section where I discovered the old journal. Im going to borrow it and read it over winter break.

Dear Diary,

I had no idea there used to be a secret sorority here on campus. There isn’t one anymore. In the book I “borrowed”, it goes into great detail about everything. They used to be called The Quill & Daggers. 11 girls would meet up at 2 am and study herbalism and mithrandism. They would experiment and end up having way too much fun.

Dear Diary

Am I going to tell anyone about what I found? Nope. I want to keep this a secret and keep it to myself. I found out that they used to wear velvet robes, and airy cotton dresses. They even made custom dresses to wear to school functions. I think I’m going to recreate everything they wore and wear it myself.

Dear Diary

They even had their own pins?! Thats it. Im custom making my own.

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