Write a poem about the first time you did something.
New experiences are often thought-provoking. Try to stay away from obvious first times and go for something unusual.
The Raptor
I tried the rollercoaster
Stood in line for three hours with my mom
She was hyped and trying to get me to dance
I was not having it
It was too high and I could probably die
Never in my life have I rode a man made beast such as this
But I was getting too old not to try it
She honestly coerced me
Otherwise I would fail in my own desire
My face has my eyebrows furled the whole time
How can these people be so happy
Just a bunch a bros and hoes
Standing in line listening to the dj playing
Top 40 dance hits
Oh I was not having it
Oh and of course we had to be in the front
My mother started laughing
This was not funny
I said I hate you, of course I didn’t mean it
But oh my god this is terrifying
As the click click click of the car going up that first hill launch
I said fuck fuck fuck probably a lil more fucks
And woodh my stomach dropped and flew out the body
I was holding on for dear life
And finally at the end
I smiled and thanked her silently
Let’s do it again