"Can I have his leg?" "No, you've already got three." "Oh, come on, what about the toes? I'm missing a big toe for a full set."
Here is an interaction between two characters. Write a story about them
Undead Funeral Service
Josh stared hopefully at me. I frowned and thought about how I could have spent my time had I not agreed to go with him.
Although he was a nice guy to be around most of the time, he could sometimes be as annoying as a child not getting their will.
I stared down at his three feet and noticed a gap on the middle foot. He wasn‘t lying about needing a big toe. But was I in the mood for the paper work that came with taking limbs? No, definitely not.
So I shook my head and stayed stubborn.
“Not tonight. Definitely not tonight.“ I said and that was it for me.
Josh stared at me with wide eyes and a weird twist to his mouth. “Please? Pretty please?“ he said and I stared at him for using that weird high tone.
Was he pouting? Was that what he was doing right now? Unbelievable.
“No!“ I said and turned back to the corpse lying next to us. A few flies had gathered around his glassy eyes and I sighed at the prospect of carrying a big deadweight to the nearest shed.
No more favors for Josh, I swore.
“Maybe I could take his toe and then put something else there to make it look like he still has one?“ Josh tried again.
I stared him down until he grabbed the guy and hoisted him up on on his shoulder.
He was definitely pouting.
“You‘re honestly no fun.“ he said and I rolled my eyes.
“Yeah, yeah, I can live with that.“ I answered back and checked his hold on the guy.
“Let‘s go. I want to be back before Fluffy ruins everyone‘s mood.“
He grumbled something to himself and started moving towards the forest where we came from.
I followed him with a sigh.
It would take us maybe an hour on foot to reach the shed. But this way we were less likely to be heard by humans and avoiding them was one of the big rules.
As we reached the first trees I threw a last look over my shoulder. It was dark and my three eyes were nothing special but I could swear I saw a silhouette on the street next to a car.
I frowned and tried to make out if it was a human and started to turn to Josh to ask him if he was seeing them too when they walked away.
I blinked and scratched my nose. Well, that was weird. Probably didn‘t see us then, I thought.
“Jin, are you coming?“ Josh asked.
I turned back and followed him into the forest.
Just another night in the life of a zombie.