Inspired by Kail Cleo

Create a story by writing multiple diary entries from your character (or multiple characters intertwined).

Try to make each entry build from the last to add to the storyline. If you switch perspective, make it clear that it's someone else's journal.


January 5, 2003

I stare into the mirror, gazing at the shell of what once was. I touch my withering skin, rub my tired eyes, and shuffle away. The bitter chill of the air nipping away at my joints. The house, unable to retain any source of heat, feels colder than usual. The creeks I once sought to bring me solace, now haunt my every step, echoing around my barren wasteland of lost memories.

January 18, 2003

The house is unbearably quiet, I’m scared of my foot steps, my own shadow sending fear down my spine. I step into the bathroom once more, analyzing what stands before me. My cheeks have hollowed out, all the vibrancy I once held has been sucked from me. My hair lacks its’ luster, I tug on a few strands, watching as the pieces fall down to the floor. I am crumbling, decomposing right before my eyes. I am a living dead girl.

February 2, 2003

Sprinting into the bathroom, a metallic taste running rampant on my tastebuds. I clutch my mouth, trying to deter the blood from flowing out. I hunch over the sink spitting coagulated blood, along with looks to be my teeth in front of me. My body is rotting from the inside out. I look up into the mirror, I am unrecognizable. My reflection stares back at me, mockingly. She’s laughing at me, her lips upturned into a sinister smile. I pull more chunks of my hair out. I’m falling into delirium, and I know I cannot escape.

February 7, 2003

My raspy chuckle fills the stale air of the bathroom. I clutch the shards of mirror in my palms, blood seeping from the cracks of my fingers. No more antagonizing me, the monster in the reflection. I have won. I have won. I slump against the porcelain of the bathtub, I close my eyes, feeling victorious.

I have won.

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