Write the blurb for your first romance novel.
A blurb should intrigue the reader; introducing the main characters, and describing the plot, without giving too much away.
{CBH} Chapter Three
[highly unedited]
I’m standing at Heather’s front door, slowly realizing she probably won’t be the one to answer. She’s getting ready for her party. _Duh. I should have thought of that._
_So who will answer?_
I smooth my hands down my navy blue dress, taking a second to appreciate its length, all the way down to my ankles. It’s not a really fancy gown, however, just a simple ankle-length navy blue dress. It has no sleeves either.
The sound of a door opening draws my gaze up.
I half-expect it to be Heather’s parents, but I secretly hope for a blonde now 18-year-old that does not happen to be my best friend.
And apparently, my “wish” came true.
Standing there, in a crisp white button up and black dress pants, is Asher Cove. I notice his baby blue tie.
_Wow. If I thought he was hot back then—_
I must stare, because he clears his throat expectantly.
He’s the only guy I’ve ever thought was hot, for an unreasonable amount of time.
_Full name? Really?_
“Asher,” I acknowledge, my eyes darting to the porch swing to the left. When they finally return to the boy— man? Is he a “man” now?— I realize he’s looking, actually looking, at me. “Can I come in?” I feel my cheeks burn from his gaze.
_Over him_.
I attempt to remind myself.
_What a big fail of a reminder._
“So?” I ask, waiting for him to move. He keeps his eyes trained on me.
It takes him a second to comprehend what I said, for an unknown reason, but he eventually realizes what I said. Asher grumbles something, so low, I’m starting to think he’s Batman, as he shoves his hands in his pockets.
A sidestep to the left brings back an unwanted feeling and memory.
“Um, Callie,” Asher calls out after I pass him. I throw him a glance over my shoulder, just about to parade upstairs to see Heather. “You look nice.”
I have to do a double take.
Asher merely nods and looks away, his hair falling in his eyes at the motion.
_Is his hair softer now? _
“I said ‘you look nice.’” It’s barely a whisper, almost like he didn’t want me to hear it.
I watch him sweep his hair out of his eyes. My eyes drift back to the stairs, contemplating how I should respond. With a small breath, I come to a decision.
“So do you.”
With that, I dash up the stairs, a fast drumroll beating in my chest.
“Thank you all for coming to my party!” Heather exclaims into a microphone, grinning down from the stairs at all of her guests. Most stand around, but a few people are sitting and likely waiting for someone to arrive.
I’m kind of in the corner, by the drinks table, sipping on my sweet tea.
It’s not long before Heather walks up to me.
“You okay, Cal?” She asks, standing in front of me. Heather gestures to my dress, “Do you not like the dress?”
I actually really like the dress, but it would usually be out of my comfort zone.
Heather knows me so well.
“I do like it, but…”
_How do I tell her there’s a boy I’m interested in, without telling her who it is?_
“I kind of think it’s a lot, even if there’s a boy—”
Did I _mean_ to let that slip?
“You like a boy?” Heather practically shouts, her voice tracing some tones of excitement and intrigue. “Who? Who?”
She sounds like an owl, causing me to stifle a giggle.
“Can I tell you when you’re not all shout-y?”
“But it’s my birthday!”
A smile stretches along my face. I nod as if considering the fact, then I make an offer.
“How about at our sleepover?”
Why did I even offer that? I can’t tell her about her brother!
Heather nods enthusiastically.
It takes me a second to realize that a male, mirror-image of my best friend appears over her shoulder.
“Hey, sis; Callie,” Asher acknowledges, his eyes remaining on mine for a three-count. They sweep down my figure, then back up.
_What is with him today?_
My best friend notices the strange occurrence, because she sends me a look I can’t decipher.
“Hey, Ash,” Heather greets as Asher pulls his attention to her, “doesn’t Cal look beautiful today?”
_Oh my gosh._
_No. No. No, _no_, _**_no!_**
“More than that,” Asher replies, throwing a flirty smile my way.
I can’t feel any of my muscles. No bones, either.
I must be a puddle on the floor, and Heather must notice that.
“Aw, Cal! You two keep chatting, I have to go… talk to some of the other guests!”
My best friend; the _absolute_ devil.
“Happy birthday.” I say softly as she walks away. Quickly, I add, “to both of you. Not just Hed.”
Asher chuckles a bit, and I realize all too slowly how close he is. I can feel the warmth of him.
_I can’t fall for him again._
_I’m over him. For good._
“Thanks,” he replies, drawing it out a little longer than most would. Asher leans even closer, as if to share a secret, “Between you and me, she forced me to wear this.” A blush spreads over my entire face. _Gosh._
_A secret. Between him and me._
_Not very secretive, but still. Between Asher and I. _
Everyone knows that Ash’s style is the legit jock’s style.
_Wait. When did we start talking? Much less sharing “secrets?” What_?
My attention on Asher falters when a familiar, yet matured, face appears in the crowd behind him.
“Hey, would you mind if I went and caught up with a friend?”
Asher’s grin fades a bit, but it’s barely noticeable. He nods half-heartedly, moving an inch to give me more room to walk off. Which I do, quickly shaking off the feeling of Asher watching me leave.
_He’s never liked you before, why would he start now?_
_He did like you when—_
I cut off the poor, misled voice in my head, stopping in front of a small group of four. A tap on the shoulder of the tallest one and a simple question. _How bold of me._
The figure turns to face me, revealing my ex-best friend.
“What are you doing here?” I ask, incredulously, scanning his, now strangely handsome, face.
I mean, it’s not like he wasn’t attractive in middle school, but he was more of a golden retriever than anything. And I’m sad to say, that was _never_ my type.
_Remind me why we stopped being friends? _
_Right… he moved._
_He’s back now?_
“I was invited,” Boston replies with a laugh, turning his body towards me fully.
_Two hot guys in button-ups?_
_Who changed me? Can I have the 10-year old me back? When I didn’t give a single penny to guys?_