The Sephorane Letters

Fifth Entry of Summer Equinox

My Lord, it has become increasingly apparent with the overwhelming signs of temptation and methods of sin, that my human has begun to stray. This may be an occurrence of plethoric nature and I could be one of many Guardians who has shown concern, but being my first assignment, I cannot help but remain worrisome with where my human is going. I ask for assistance and the bestowment of your premordial intellect, so I may return them back onto the path of righteousness.


Sixth Entry of Summer Equinox

My Lord, what an honor it is to have been given aid by your hand. The notion of becoming personally enthralled with the human—who I have learned was named Marcus, was effective with my learning of how to best guide him towards you. An incident with other humans had caused him to loath those who carried genuine affection for him, but with a touch of sentiment from a soul of extreme purity, he has shown signs of desired improvement. Though with the adversaries who hope to being him back to the darkness continuing to travel with him, he is conflicted between betterment and spiritual detachment.


Seventh Entry of Summer Equinox

My Lord, Marcus holds a spiritual battlefield within himself that is akin to one of countless bloodshed. During the hours of his day, an altercation arose between him and another heavily damaged boy. The clash was a spectacle of pain and released frustration, aroused purely through the infamous enemy Pride. Such a troubled ordeal proved difficult for my intervention as both boy’s were shielded by thoughts of singular origins. Thankfully it did not continue very long, the other boy was hospitalized and Marcus strongly disciplined. Because of my inexperience, Marcus became intwined with troubled questions of identity. I admit to my own faith dwindling and am not certain of properly overseeing this boy any further. Nevertheless, he has become one I have grown to feel gravitation for, enough so, that if it is deemed appropriate to designate another Guardian who is more capable, please grant him such.


Eighth Entry of Summer Equinox

My Lord, mere words and sentences must not allow for proper expression with how deeply appreciative I am to hear you permit me to watch over Marcus. Your faith exceeds my own and I will aim to grow myself. Since my last entry, Marcus was suffering and had reached a low very few rise from. However, a soul with outstanding purity and love entered his path. Where such a miracle appeared I know not where. Their name is Jasmine, a beautifully kindled spirit which resembles the dilapidated kind of Marcus. Thoughts of dispair and discontent once permeated his psyche, but were vanquished by the words of care and grace which she sung. I have heard of Guardians living amongst the humans, giving hope to the hope deprived with a soul o’ so similar to your own. We are believed to conjure events of miracles, when even we are unsure with the nature of uncertainty with your beloved humankind. They may look up for guidance and protection from us, but I find myself captivated by those small but bright sprites inside them all. A truly wonderful creation my Lord.


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