Think of three words that describe your protagonist's personality the best.

Begin with these three words, and then write a paragraph about how each of them applies to the character.

The Princes

Prince Louis was a true enigma of his family. He had very little interest in his succession of the throne. He only cared about his dragon. Thoughout the kingdom he wasn’t greatly loved by his people.

The young prince was seen as egotistical and unpredictable. Nobody liked the idea of change and if their was any monarch to bring about change it would be him.

Luckily his older brother Charles was the true heir to the throne. Charles was seen as weak in comparrison to Louis. He wasn’t as skillful with a blade but definitely more reasonable and diplomatic.

Charles was unable to tame a dragon which was the main reason people considered him a weak choice for a throne. Obviously it couldn’t fall to the youngest of the three siblings the princess Alyssa. Women were never given such privledges, unless they were the only children to the king and queen.

Princess Alyssa was a sweet girl which was unsual for her time, but she is written about in history as being the realms delight.

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