Their Story

“Disgraceful.” I heard, muttered from an elderly woman dressed in a floral shirt and a skirt way too big for her hips.

“Godless heathen.” Hissed a man in his late 20s, early 30s, looking like a jock that never left high school.

“F**.” I tensed at that word. My heart stopped, my breath caught, as I flinched. I hoped he hadn’t noticed, but a smirk from his face told me otherwise.

Taking a long, shaky breath, I square my shoulders, straighten my back a little and continue walking down the road with my head up.

I’m used to of those words, used to of the harassment. It’s a small town, a very Christian community, less than 200 people live here. Everyone knew everyone. So of course, we all knew when she moved into the house on River Road.

I had second thoughts about what I was about to do, a platter plate in my hands, maybe I should spare her, if, or rather, when, people see me at her doorstep, they might make assumptions and she’d be pulled into the same bullying I get put through.

I stop walking at the corner, I can see the house in the middle of two houses, similarly built, similar color schemes. Should I turn back?

Well… if I’m already here…

I took another breath, shaking my head, no, they won’t immediately start bullying her. They can’t automatically make that kind of assumption based on one interaction with the only person they know to be…

So, I continue. Though, I find myself shaking as I walk up to her door, and I hope it’s unnoticeable as I press the button to her doorbell, hearing the bell from outside. I can see a black car in the driveway that I assume is hers, so maybe she is here, though it is poss-

“Hello, can I help you?” A sweet, buttery voice comes from the other side of the screen door, my eyes widen, and I can feel a blush creeping upon my cheeks.

She’s wearing the most beautiful, flowy, floral sun dress I’ve ever seen, with the bluest, biggest eyes, coupled with curly, thick, brown hair.

Wow… She’s so beautiful. She cocks her head to the side, confusion washing over her face but her smile never wavering. “Are you okay?”

“Oh! No- I mean, yes, yes I’m okay! I- uh… I’m sorry, that’s just the most prettiest dress I’ve seen!” I internally facepalm at my stuttering, god, I’ve already embarrassed myself in front of her.

“Heh, I’m.. I’m sorry, uh, I heard you’d just move into town, and I wanted to give you some welcome cupcakes! My name is Eurydice, I live two blocks down?” A smile awkwardly pulls on my face as I then hold the platter plate of cupcakes. Oh, no, what if she’s gluten free? Ugh, idiot!

“Oh! Hah, you guys are so welcoming! I’ve already gotten so many sweets and welcoming gifts!” My smile wavers as I hear this, maybe she doesn’t want this? Though, before I can say anything, “My name is Ophelia! Come, come on in, it’s so hot, let me get you a lemonade.” She opened the screen door to let me in.

“Oh, no, I don’t wanna cause you any trouble, I just thought I’d-“ She cut me off with a wave of her hand, her smile never left her face. She radiated like the sun.

“Nonsense! The lemonade is already made, and I’ve made way too much for myself, I don’t think I’ll be able to finish it within a few days, anyways.” It was like her words were enchanting me, or perhaps it was that voice of hers, any doubt of me coming into her home ebbed away. Would the community bully her?

“Come on, just one glass,” her voice soothed and I wiped my shoes on her mat before taking a step inside.

“Well, if it’s one lemonade,” I say, hesitant still.

She takes my hand and I feel my face burning, I hope it isn’t as red as I think it is. She leads me to her kitchen, “sit, sit!” And bustled to her refrigerator after putting my platter plate with the rest of the plates and dinnerware, covered in aluminum and cling wrap, and I understand what she means. It seems that everyone’s got her something or another.

I walk home that night feeling light on my feet, and a grin plastered to my face. We got along so well that I seemed to have forgotten one, single, problem.

Slowly, my smile melts into a shaky frown, right. I’m not allowed to make friends. I… forgot. This community can never leave well enough alone. I just hope that I didn’t mess things up for her. What if she gets bullied as well? I suppose I’ll leave her alone…

But my plan doesn’t seem to go well, because the very next day, she shows up on my doorstep, with my platter plate, asking if I wanted to get dinner with her.

“D-dinner? With.. dinner? With, with you?” I stuttered out, my eyes widening as I realize how that might’ve sounded snide or rude, “N-no, wait! No, I mean, I’d love to have dinner with you!” Oh man… again, I’m embarrassing myself in front of her. But she lets out a giggle, and tells me to meet her at a local restaurant I don’t think I’ve been to yet at 7. I… don’t eat out much.

“Y-yeah, okay!”

Months pass, but if she’s getting bullied by the townsfolk, she’s not letting that on, I don’t think I’ve made a single plan for us. It’s always been her. I just know the town hasn’t let her out of their eyes because of me, because of who I am.

“Why do you stay here?” We’re sitting in the grass behind her home, sipping margaritas, and I’m taken aback.

“What do you mean?” I frown, noticing an almost disturbed look on her face.

“I mean… why do you stay here? I hear the way they talk about you, and look at you. If I knew this town was like this, I probably wouldn’t have moved here myself.”

Oh. She knew. How long? I suppose that part doesn’t matter… my face relaxes, “Oh. Um. I grew up here, I can’t… I can’t imagine ever leaving, really. It’s fine, I’m fine here.”

“You’re okay with being bullied with people you grew up with, who knew you as a baby?” She asked with the most concerned looking eyes… stop, no, focus, Eurydice.

“Well… when you put it that way,” I let out a dry laugh.

“I’m serious, Eurydice.”

I frown. “I’m sorry, I just mean that I’ve never been that great with people and it’s all I’ve known. I don’t know what I’d do.” I hear her sigh. “Do they.. bully you? Because of me?” I can hear how small my voice became, and the silence that overtakes the both of us is loud and clear. Right. Of course.

I get up from my spot, leaving the glass on the table, shaking my head. “I’m sorry.” I whisper as I start to leave.

“Eurydice.” My name sounds so beautiful when she says it, it makes me stop in my tracks. I hear her walking up behind me but I don’t turn to face her, instead, I keep my head low to the ground, watching an ant crawl over a blade of grass.

“Ophelia.” I whisper, “I can’t… not if I know I’m hurting you.”

“Please, Eurydice. I want to continue having a friendship with you. Maybe even more, but I need to know that you’re willing to not look back if we leave this town together, some day.” My heart raced as I process the words I hear. She wants to have a future with me?

“I won’t make the same mistake Orpheus made, I won’t look back. I just need to hear you, Eurydice.” My breath catches, I can feel tears well in the corner of my eyes.

“A relationship…” I muse, feeling how the words feel in my mouth, blushing at the thought.

“Eurydice,” she whispers.

“I need to go.” I tell her, taking my hand out of hers.

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