To The Newlyweds

I cannot begin to express how happy I am for the bride and groom; two equally beautiful people. They have both taught me countless things in my time of knowing them, and for that I wish them the best in this venture of their lives.

To start, the groom has given me the gift of patience and fortitude. For years I’ve watched him grow closer to the bride that I love, and for years I’ve endured a painful amount of jealousy because of his relationship with her. But I learned to persist and hide my feelings, which, although pain-cashing, I am eternally grateful for

On the other hand, the bride has shown me a mixture of sadness and hopefulness. I knew from the moment we met that I liked her; her smile brightened my day, and her laugh echoed in my mind hours after hearing it. She brought me so much joy... but I was crushed after hearing she was dating someone. My heart broke more once she and the groom got engaged. Now I’m standing here, alone and heartbroken, but still hanging onto a tiny bit of hope.

Perhaps one day she’ll love me like she loves him, but I doubt that. Until then, congrats to the newlyweds.

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