
I toss and turn groggily feeling like the world just hit me at light speed, batting my eyes barely awake, but im not in bed—no. I’m falling. My body quickly becomes aware of the burning sensation of metal friction against my skin that’s only covered by dark-blue boxers. Wind blowing through my hair and face succeeding at knocking me out of my jet lagged state as I make my way down this. . . Slide?

This white slide, barred and roofed on a hot sunny day. Surely I’m dreaming, right? Surely I’ll be waken up any second now and get on with my day like _normal. _But as I descend my way further and further.. and **further** down this slide, I reasonably lose grasp of the reasonable thought that this is a dream. My sweat becomes palpable and my nerves creeping into panic attack stages at the thought that this might just be real, the concrete is becoming visible and it wouldn’t be long until I’d either be propelled into concrete, my last memory of existence sliding into death (literally) or I’d wake up in the comfort of my bed and be relieved by the fact that this is indeed all a dream.

The wind screams. I find myself closing my eyes; silently praying to whoever I might be met with in the next few seconds. _To whoever’s listening, please, please let me live._ the words in my head become the only thought I can muster as I cling desperately to the bars. Hoping, praying that this will stop. When I feel dusty concrete beneath my feet it becomes painfully clear this is my last. . . Shards of rock dig into the soles of my feet and I let out a screech. What had I done to deserve this? How? Why? So many questions, that I’d never get answers too because well… I’ll be dead.

Deep breaths turn into shallow breaths, shallow threats turn into desperate grunts as I claw my way through my sheet, my skin burning like coal on a furnace. . . It was a dream…. It was a dream _OBVIOUSLY._



Sorry for any typos or punctuation errors this is unedited _**

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