Submitted by amber35.xx

When you died you were meant to turn up at heaven’s gates, but instead you arrived at the gates of hell. You have to stay until things are set right, but you are starting to enjoy it in hell...

Christians Hell

My family is very religious, so it was a suprise to see that it wasnt only just people dying and lava all around. Its basically just a prison with “Tourture Tuesday”.

I never thought I’d end up here, I mean, I’m a Christian..but I guess thats not enough.

I mean, sure, I told a 9 year old to cover her sholders..and told my wife that I hate her food..annd called Asians “Corona contaminators” and “Weird porn watchers”

……and also hit on random women at Walmart…and told my son he would go to hell cause hes gay…

But other than that im a amazing person!!

(Multiple writing in a day ?!?! 🤯)

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