Imagine a character who has never experienced something that is very common for you.

Write a scene about this character experiencing whatever it is that's common for you - you could describe it directly or let your reader guess at what it is...

Dream On

Pittsburgh to Philadelphia,

Dreaming of the place I love,

Sweet purple flowers falling into a beautiful pile of confetti on the sidewalks.

and the scent of delicious bud,

How things could just be sweet,





But I’m always stuck in PA,

The wrong Oakland.

So I reach for the drugs,

Reach out to the plug.

For sure need a buzz,

I have got to be numb,

Cause I can’t stand the pain.

But half that pain would go away,

If I could get to LA.

And if I could stay,

Make that permanent change,

Rather than a brief escape,

To get myself through yesterday.

But I can barely even pray.

Just the smells and the tastes

From the great golden state,

I’d be content enough

To try to be tough,

And to end every day

With a smile on my face.

That is the American dream that I chase,

I will not settle for this state.

Each and every moment spent outside LA

Is just a waste.

Life in Pennsylvania is leaving me zero grace.

The city of angels is meant to be my place,

So I will keep that dream alive

In hopes that one day I’ll be fine,

In Hollywood where I can unwind

Finally allowing a slight break from the pain inflicted by my own tortured mind,

It’s the only peace I’ve been able to find,

And now it’s my turn to shine

Underneath the Hollywood lights,

Breathing in those heavenly nights.

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