For The Rain

It’s when he died

That it all started

The sun seemed to hide

Behind the curtain of clouds

And the rain cried down on me

It hadn’t rained for years

Ever since I fell in love with him

I’d missed it

But even more than these tears

I miss him

His smile and laugh

His whole personality

His funny side that made me cry of laughter

His kind side that made me feel so special

I miss him

But he died for me

It’s what everyone says right?

That there soul died for them

Well it’s true

He knew how much I missed the rain

And he knew he was connected with it

He could see how I longed for someone to cry with

So he took a knife to his chest

And he let his life go

I did miss the rain

My partner to cry with

The tears that fell from the sky

But not as much as I miss him

When he came the sun shined

It was hot and hot and just hot

But he cooled me down

He brought me inside the house of his heart

And I no longer burned from the sun

He shut the door

But it was for me

And now he’s shut the door open wide

For me

For the rain

He gave up everything

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