Submitted by Maranda Quinn
Beneath the Surface
Write a poem with this theme in mind.
A Square Peg In A Round Hole
Have you ever felt out of place?
Like you’re in the wrong body?
In the wrong role?
In the wrong life?
If you’ve felt those things, people may have told you that it’s wrong
That you aren’t supposed to be that way, that you’re just right the way you are
That you were born in this body into this role because that’s how it’s supposed to be
That this is who you are and who you always will be, but they must be wrong
They don’t know what it’s like to use a voice that isn’t yours
They don’t know what it’s like to wear a face that doesn’t belong to you
They don’t know what it’s like to live in a body that should be someone else’s
They don’t know what it’s like to be a square peg in a round hole
The discomfort when you work out, not wearing your binder because you know it’s bad for you but people stare and call you ‘young lady’
The sadness when your family calls you ‘daughter’ even after you’ve told them that that’s never what you’ve been
The embarrassment when you forget to force your voice lower, making the others have second thoughts
The pain when no matter what you do, you know that you’ll still be a square peg in a round hole
Even the simple matter of existing is hard
Nowhere to turn for comfort
No one who will listen
No place where you can just be
Out on your bike, constantly tugging at and repositioning your shirt, trying to make your chest look flatter but knowing that all the people you pass will see you as a girl
At the music store where your brother’s friend greets you as your brother’s sister because he doesn’t know
When you start a new class in school and the teacher calls out that name and you fold in on yourself because that isn’t your name
During science class when your classmate calls you a name that isn’t yours even though several teachers you share call you a different name
Sharing contact information and having to explain that you can’t change your username because your family is on the platform and would ask why it’s different
Playing a solo in jazz and being introduced with a name that isn’t meant to be yours
Winning an award and walking onto the stage only to be announced as someone who you aren’t supposed to be
Constantly being reminded that you’re always going to be a square peg in a round hole
They tell you to hide it away, that no one cares
Your parents tearfully say that you’ve been their little girl for so long
Strangers online tell you that you’re mentally ill and you don’t matter
Classmates refuse to call you by your name even though you’ve told them countless times
A square peg can be whittled into the desired shape
A square can turn into a circle with enough change
Eventually they can cram you into your place
The place you were never meant to be in the first place
But what if you never wanted that place?
What if you’re meant to be different?
What if you don’t need others to approve?
What if you can be a square and not need to be forced into a role?
Cut away the people who refuse to accept you
Meet new people with your head held high
Not be afraid to correct someone if they get it wrong
Wear your flag with pride
Reach out to kids feeling the same things you do
Let them know that the things they feel are valid
Help them find who they are
Make sure they never feel like they need to fit into a place they don’t want
It’s hard, and it may feel impossible at some times
But you’ll get through it, and you’ll be more of yourself because of it
Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise
Wear that flag with pride, and be proud that you are a square peg in your very own place