One Tattoo Can Change Your Life

I walked into the shop. I was uneasy because of all the skulls and dark themed decorations. My nostrils are attacked with the smell of tobacco smoke, incense, and plastic. I wasn’t sure why I was here. I didn’t particularly like the idea of having something on my body for the rest of my life.

“What are you looking for” the artist’s question startles me. “Uh, I’m not sure” I reply shakily. “I don’t want to toot my own horn but everything I have tattooed on anyone has come true.” I stare blankly at him. “I tattoo people’s fates on their bodies. Only thing is once it’s done it can never be undone.”

He draws up a sketch and I look at it. It is a heart that has a crack in the middle with an arrow coming out of it. Obviously it means that my boyfriend and I will break up. I love him and think that maybe he might be the one.

“Are you in or out” he asks. “Out” I reply confidently, “I’m in a happy relationship. I’m not going to let anything mess it up.” I leave with my head held high.

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