Without describing exactly what you see, write a story, poem, or descriptive paragraph which conjures this image.
Favorite Game
“This will be so much fun!” I exclaim gleefully peering up into the sky. The sole light source, in a waxing crescent shape, could not compare to blackness surrounding the dead, lifeless trees.
Ah, this place has seen better days, I think sardonically.
The loud footsteps pounds the ground in an erratic pattern while quick, short, shallow breaths permeated the silent air. My skin prickles and my hands twitch in anticipation for the perfect moment.
Mouth turning upwards, I follow behind the haphazard path she left moving through the fallen leaves. She left a path for me, I think fondly and warmness sinks into my body in the frigid, midnight air. Offhandedly I say “I’m close, you know.”
The sudden heavy thud, twig crack, and loud sob cause my steps to increase length, my pupils to dilate and my skin to tingle. My ears perk up in the darkness.
Heart pounding with adrenaline, I stride towards the tussle of leaves and wails of dismay. Every heave of panic injected euphoria straight into my bloodstream. Every stumble of balance flooded my ears with joyous music. Every snap of a branch beaconed my being to her. I am so close to her now, I think desperately.
My eyes darted to the boarded up cave at the end of the wooden trail nearby. The outline of her body hazy in my eyes. Eyebrows furrowed, my back stiffens and then forcefully relaxes. “This is my favorite game, you know” I casually state while I stroll the hiking path.
She becomes clearer and clearer as I get closer.
“You’re headed towards a dead end,” I amusedly state. “No, no, no,” she gasps brokenly while using all her strength to propel her body forward. My mouth opens to continue, but the words die in my mouth. Involuntary, my head shakes and the amusement returns as I waited.
I observe her from a distance as her eyes flitting over the rotting wood at the cave’s entrance. The slump in her body as she falls to her knees and melancholy wrapped around her body like a hug.
This was always my favorite part.
Adding pressure, my foot snaps a branch near the end of the path as I continue forward. Her body spins quickly to face me. Smoldering onyx eyes meet despairing hazel eyes. “Please,” she weakly cried. “Don’t hurt me.”
We are so in sync, I thought, we are both shaking. Anticipation was causing my limbs to tremble. Pure terror was causing hers to spasm.
My arm stretched to her throat and my hands clamped on her throat.
I squeezed down, tilted my head, and maniacally whispered, “Tag. You’re it.”