
From the moment I gain consciousness I knew my life wasn’t meant for me. I tried fitting in, tried finding a group, I’ve tried almost everything. Even with those people I’ve met I’ve never found someone like him. He’s the one thing that’s made me feel like I actually belong, something to lean on. And you’ve been with me through it all, my first horror movie, my first kiss, my trust. My first love. I tried giving you chances I’ve tried giving you your space but, even through all that you decided to do it. The rain hits the ground with a splash, my tears mixing in with the rain. I wipe them aggressively as I run past the red footed house, the blue roofed house, the bright green grassed house, all the way to our house. Our house. The house I now hate with its little garden we made, it’s stupid pictures, hung up in the wall, the stupid kitchen we remodeled together. This house makes me want to throw up inside just by standing in it. Why did you have to do that, why did you have to ruin everything. I grab a sheet of paper from our office, the office we used as a bedroom while we remodeled ours, the momories of us in there make me sick to my stomach. I grab a pen and write just letting my feeling out, the only sound the room is the drops of water from my soaked clothes, my aggressive writing and the tears hitting the paper. How could you. I trusted you with everything, all my secrets, all my feelings, all my love. I end the note with no form of goodbye, you don’t deserve it. I slam the pen down, a few more tears running down my cheek as I grab a secret stash of money we were saving and pack some of my things. I look back into the house as I reach for the door knob, goodbye.

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