Your character is woken up by a sudden noise in the middle of the night.

Use this scenario to create an atmosphere of tension and fear, no matter how you resolve the scene!

A Late Night Scare

Boom! Crash! You wake up in a anxious state, feeling yourself grow uneasy. “What was that?” You ask yourself, hearing your heart beat nearly out of your chest as you sit up from your bed. You slowly get up, making your way out of the comfort of your bedroom. You just wish you could go back to sleep. But at the same time you wanted to investigate of what the noise was.

It was 1AM, who could possibly be up at this hour in your household? You place your hand on the cold doorknob, slowly turning it as your stomach twisted and turned for what could be on the other side of it. You didn’t want to anticipate it, so you whipped the door wide open. Your mouth gaped a bit as you seen the pitch black eyeless sockets looking down at you, making you quickly look away. You trembled, feeling your hands grow clammy and the color drain from your face. What was this creature?

It had dark pale grey skin, ripped mouth that drooped about a foot open, long arms and legs. Long and lanky claws, sharp teeth that looked about ready to bite into you at any given second. You heard the creature breathing against you, low growls and whines. It reeked of blood and flesh, not that you would know how that smelled; you just assumed. A loud ghoulish whine came from it as you felt one of its claws run down your back, digging in slightly. You flinched and tried to suppress any noise you made, fearing the worst. You didn’t want to die like this, but it seemed like you were going to.

Everything felt so surreal, it felt like as if you in a horror movie. You looked around, seeing if there were any cameras as if it were a prank of some sort. But if it was a prank, why were you getting hurt? You gasped when you were slammed up against the wall, the creature forcing you to look at it. The empty soulless sockets, black liquid leaking out as if it had an infection.

“W-What do you want?!” Your voice shakes with fear, gazing at its long daggered teeth. You gulped, looking back to where it’s eyes would be. It didn’t say anything, not a single word. But instead it let out a high pitched shrill, the hand around you tightening as you let out a small pained yelp. You wanted nothing more than to believe that this was some sick twisted dream- no, nightmare. The pain was too real for it to be all just a dream. You get your body shaking violently as it inches closer to your face, trying your best not to gag at the smell of its breath.

It then stopped, soon biting down onto your shoulder. You let out a loud yell, tears building up as the began streaming down. It felt like the teeth hit the bone! The pain was something you have never felt in your life, you wriggled your lower body and tried your best to escape. That seemed to upset the creature even more, pushing your body more against the wall as he pressed against your lungs harshly.

You hated this, who in the hell does this creature think it is? First, it breaks into your house, kills your family. Second, it broke something and caught your attention. It obviously sucks at being sneaky, if that’s what is was trying to do. Last but not least, it’s trying to act like he owns the damn place! If you had the strength and the courage to beat this thing up, you definitely would. But being the whomp that you were, you are just allowing yourself soon to be killed. How pathetic. It’s not like you had a good run anyways. All you did was watch anime and play video games all day. Oh, and write stories about animated characters that would never love you back. But that was besides the point! You are about to die!

The creature pulled it’s mouth back, confused to why you went quiet. It seemed like it wasn’t having much fun as it once did. It tilted its head as it looked at you. “What? You don’t seem like you’re interested now? Was you expecting me to scream more?” You asked, sound sarcastic. “Maybe I wanna die. So go on. Kill me.” You looked at it, wearing a blank expression. (To be continued)

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