a sky of Nows

'Darling, time is an awfully perplexing concept, is it not? So subjective, yet so carefully named and stuctured and labelled. In each moment there lives a thousand more, blurring all the seconds and minutes that march along. What is now? I do not speak of this exact minute, nor second, nor the single instant that just passed which is now many many single instants away. Instead, a concept. An idea, a thought— of time, where Now is a single moment built up of smaller, short-lived moments; when my head is filled not with memories but emotions, and I tremble not in terror but in anticipation. When I need not to seek out the warmth within me, because it is simply there. Now, as I cross the road; and now, when I am happy. Now, as I dot my i’s and cross my t’s; and now, when I am deep in thought. Time will be forever, I tell myself, but ‘now’ will not. Do you ever think, my love, that of these hundreds and thousands of Nows we endure each day, some will become ‘forever’s while others are forgotten and left in a pit somewhere deep within the universe’s plan? Do you ever, not unlike myself, dig through the archive of memories inside that fascinating mind of yours and relive those moments, savoring the sweet-ness, wishing desperately to return to them, like I have many nights?

Alas, you are but a star in the sky, and so many of our Nows have floated upwards to you. I can only pray that you hold them dearly in your arms, waiting… For when I join you in the dark, we will have all of our Nows… and so many more.'

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