
We all know that life is unfair

Sometimes we question ourselves

_Is this worth fighting for? or should I give up?_

Letting go is the easiest way to do

But fighting for it is the hardest way to do

We have no choice but to give up on our dream

And be practical in our lives

Exhausting, drained, burnout

That’s what I feel right now

_Fighting for my dream is like a candle melting itself away_

All of my hope to succeed is vanishing

It was worth it at first

But I realized maybe it’s not for me,

Maybe I forced myself that I would succeed

I’m tired of trying

I know mistakes are steps where we learned

But it’s like a cycle for me

It always happened over and over again

Giving up doesn’t mean that you’re weak

Sometimes we need to do that for our future

If you think it doesn’t work for you maybe others will

We need to learn to let go of things

It’s for the sake of the future

Because if you are not going to do that

You’ll stuck in that phase

Where you can’t move forward

_Life is uncertain _

_We never know what will next to happen_

_But one thing is I’m sure about_

_Whatever happens, happens. _

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