Long Bye

I pack my bags, finally about to leave for the long journey ahead, my entire life had been spent in the comfort of my parents home, it’s the day I finally go for College, to try to get my life straight, meet new people, and learn new valuable information about my job, I walk over to the kitchen, my mother was staring out the window and tears in her eyes, not believing that her beautiful daughter was about to leave for a long time, and will finally be an adult, it felt like yesterday she was playing on the swing seat, being carried by her father, and going to Christmas parades during the winter, I walk up and put a hand on her shoulder, attempting to comfort her

“Mom… I promise, I’ll contact you as much as I can, I’ll even FaceTime you, I’ll tell you all the details, you don’t have to worry, this isn’t goodbye, just-… a very long bye.”

My mother looks over at me, a sadness written over her face that’s enough to make my heart shatter, she wraps her arms around me, softly running her hand through my hair.

“Your still the beautiful wonderful girl I know… you truly are a gift, ruby, please, be safe, I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to you.”

I gently nod my head, giving her hand a light squeeze, after a few minutes with my mother, I walk over to the living room where my father is seated looking through old photos of me, trying to relive the moments of when his beautiful, graceful girl was younger, when she was innocent, she was his everything, he looked up at her with tears in his eyes

“Ruby… I promise, no matter what, you can always come to us, we’ll be here for you, please, FaceTime us, talk to us, because you matter so much to us, more than words can describe."

That expression on his face tells a million words, he was gonna miss his beautiful girl so much, but this was all for the better, this was her destiny, she needed to become the cop everyone needed, she needed to be useful to society, to move forward and make a difference, she moved over, and hugged him, he wrapped his arms around her, her parents always treated her so kindly, she felt like she didn’t deserve their kindness, she wanted some way to repay them, some way to tell them that she loved them in the same way, but after pulling away from each other, they said their byes.

“Hey… dad, I promise, this isn’t a forever goodbye, just-… a very, very long bye.”

“Ruby, you better not get hurt out there, I swear, if you get hurt, the person will never make it to the court room!”

Ruby found his overprotective acts silly, but she knew what he said was true, if anyone used her, did something wrong to her, broke her heart, or hurt her in any way physical or mentally, they wouldn’t get away with it, she was their beautiful girl, and tears welled up in her eyes, as she finally walked torwards the front door, she frowned, she was, nervous, afraid, even, she grabbed the door knob, before her parents went over to her, she turned around to see them, and immediately ran and hugged them, it was a gentle reminder that she was still their beautiful, wonderful, loving girl, despite having grown into a woman, she used to hug her parents every day the same way when she was in kindergarten, and about to leave for school, the hug felt comforting; but it was going to be a long time before she could feel the warm embrace again, the same comforting feeling swarming her body as they pulled away, smiling at her with tears in their eyes, she immediately spoke

“You have all been so kind to me all these wonderful years, I am so happy to have a mother and father who loves me like you guys do, thanks, for everything, but this ain’t a goodbye, just a very long bye.”

Her father spoke, his voice slightly cracking as he sniffled.

“Please… contact us, and be safe out there, make it there safe, we put some chips in one of those bags, we thought you might want them.”

“Alright… thanks, I love you guys, so very much.”

“We love you too, Ruby, we will see you soon.”

She waved them bye, and turned around, it was time for the next chapter of her life, this was a time period where she could finally meet new people, learn new things, and get her dream job as a police officer, she has always known the dangers, but they never scared her, she turned the door knob, exiting, and closing it behind her hesitantly, she could’ve sworn she heard her parents burst into tears, it broke her heart, she slowly walked over to the car, opening the door, and getting in, before driving off to what lies ahead.

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